
Hades Breath: Step into both, the light and the darkness! (Energy Infused Bracelet), made exclusively by Tigers Eye and Lava-Stone gemstones

Hades Breath: Step into both, the light and the darkness!
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • Model:
    Bracelet - 006
  • Manufacturer: DeMar DeMar
  • (Please Note: The bracelet is Handmade and of high quality! The Design and the creation of the bracelet is exclusively done by DeMar). 


    Hades Breath - Bracelet

    Hades breath is a bracelet that is unique in its kind.

    You see, most of our bracelets are enchanted with energies that focus on protecting you from: negativity, dark energies and dark entities; while allowing you to navigate safely through the astral and etheric planes.

    On the other hand, Hades Breath is designed to go both ways!

    To give you a better understanding imagine it like this: Hades Breath utilizes the powers of both a Jedi Master and a Sith Master (making an analogy to Star Wars); consequently, allowing you to use both types of powers.

    That leads us to the question: who can use Hades Breath?

    The answer is: both types of Wiccans, both types of Magicians, both types of Occult Scientists and both types of explorers!

    Side Note: with the term both types, we mean – for example, occult scientists that are walking the path of light as well as occult scientists that have chosen to walk the path of darkness (demonologists included).

    At this point you may be confused and may be wondering:

    Aren’t your products designed to support the side of light?


    However, Hades Breath is one of the few exceptions that is designed to aid the Dark Side as well.

    Nevertheless, keep in mind that it will not allow, or aid, the Dark Magician to unleash a curse against another person (here steps in the protection charm of Light)!

    Still confused?

    Let us give you an example to fully understand it:

    Let us say that you want to perform an invocation and that you combine both: our orgonites together with our bracelets. If you were to invoke a dark entity (for whatever reasons) – in this case, your invocation would fail miserably because both, the orgonites as well as the other bracelets, would tear that entity apart! Hence, it would never make its appearance!

    On the other hand, if you would wear Hades Breath, and you know how to do it, then such an invocation would become possible; as a matter of fact, it would boost the entire process for you (but make sure you do not have one of our orgonites around).

    This leads us to the next question: why would someone want to explore the “dark side” anyway?

    You see guys, very advanced explorers in these fields of knowledge, inevitably, will sooner or later have to investigate the dark side as well so as to: understand it and learn how it operates. Gaining that type of knowledge, will allow the researcher to effectively, and successfully, fight against the dark forces.

    For instance: a true exorcist cannot fight against darkness if he/she does not know how darkness operates. Consequently, the exorcist is expected to gain that type of knowledge.

    And exactly because, sooner or later, explorers of various kinds will have to attain that kind of awareness, hence they will have to step into the other-side, Hades Breath has been created to protect them in this type of endeavour.

    Advanced Description:

    Before we begin, allow us to give you just one example, to help you understand, of how Hades Breath has been created:

    Hades Breath invokes the powers of 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

    8 - focuses on unity and the power of infinity. 

    7 – focuses on the lunar energy and workings related to intuition and wisdom. 

    6 - focuses on your ascension towards the spiritual realm.

    5 - focuses on expansiveness, restlessness, active, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom, adventurous, mercurial, sensual.

    2 - focuses on the balance of all aspects.

    1 - focuses to the universal life force that binds us all.

    0 - focuses on union, Oneness, everything, absolutes, the All, nothingness; incorporates aspects of all the numbers

    Going one step further:

    From a mystical standpoint Hades Breath combines the powers of light and darkness (for more details click on the relevant tabs).

    The power of Colours:

    Black and Gold (for more details click on the tab called "Mysteries").


    The power of Numbers:

    0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (for more details click on the "Mysteries" tab).

    Enchantments – Energy Infusion:

    During the entire creation process, protection chants and protection spells are utilized so as to additionally infuse the bracelet’s gemstones with specific types of energies. Consequently,  Hades Breath turns into the absolute protection for you.


    Three Initial Key Points on Protection:

    Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates.

    Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye.

    Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose. 


    As a Side Note:

    If you want to go completely Overkill against all negativity (etheric and negative astral entities, toxic people, to boost your energies in a significant manner, to influence the Karma of your life and to step into the fields of clairvoyant... combine our bracelets with our orgonites and witness it all).

    Please Notice:

    Our bracelets and orgonites are to protect and to support, in their endeavours, people that have not succumbed into the “dark side”. For instance, if you are a toxic person than the spells and charms will turn against you and protect the ones that are meant to be protected by them. 

    About the Quality of our products:
    We use quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets) such as a good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. Because our jewelry is not manufactured, we take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is both durable and beautiful.

    Finding your size and ordering a specific size:
    To find your size lay a loose cord around your wrist and then lay on a flat ruler.
    Consequently, if you wish for a specific size send us a message (or a note) when you order.


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    Why Authentic – Production Process



    The most important question that arises is: what differentiates our bracelets from the rest?

    The bracelets that you will find here are special for a plethora of reasons, which are:

    One: They are only handmade.

    Two: Their construction and assembling process is based on the Ancient Greek Mysteries.

    Three: They combine Ancient knowledge with the contemporary arts of protection.

    Four: Whenever a bracelet is created, it is done through protection chants and protection spells.

    Five: Specific gemstones are used for each bracelet so as to evoke specific effects.

    Six: The types of stones, the colour of the stones and the number of the stones, that are used for each bracelet, have a specific purpose. Nothings is done randomly!

    Seven: In order for “energy infusion” to occur, a specific and long process has to be initiated. Consequently, you can wear one or a combination of bracelets.

    Eight: All spells, chants, energy infusions, enchanting, invocations etc., are done during specific days, specific times, inside specific magical circles and by following a highly advanced esoteric procedure. And all that is done for each bracelet separately! We DO NOT cut any corners when it comes to energy infusion; and that is why we can make the claim of being totally authentic!

    Nine: For each bracelet to be completed / produced, it takes a lot of time; and that is, because specific steps have to be followed (if by any chance you happen to be a Wicca or Occult scientist… than, you are aware about the long process).

    Ten: If a bracelet is stored, until it can be send to you, it is stored inside specific magical spheres (if you are advanced in this area of expertise… than you understand what we are referring to).

    Eleven: Our know-how is based on over 30 years (!!!) of research and personal experience, and experimentation, of all the effects our bracelets can have.

    Twelve: We always follow up the order of our bracelets and are always available to our customers and to answer all of their questions (for that, go to our forum and under the section of “E-shop” you can ask us all relevant questions).

    Thirteen: Gradually, we will add articles - in our forums - that will allow you to attain a deeper understanding of our bracelets; and what makes them so special.




    Rock Specks

    Color: Black

    Type of stone: Basalt aka Lava Rock

    Hardness: 2

    Chakra: Crown and Higher Crown Chakras

    Element: Fire & Earth

    Planet: Earth

    Numerological Number: 1

    Astrological: Taurus & Cancer

    Magickal Uses: Dream work, Enhancing Creativity, Communication, Cleansing Negativity


    Volcanic Lava Rock 

    Mother Earth has indeed gifted us with many treasures. But there’s one stone that stands tall, simply because it’s a part of the earth’s womb, itself. And that is the volcanic lava stone. Once it arises to the surface and cools it is used and designed for fashion and spiritual use. The black lava stone has been around for centuries and various indigenous tribes and communities have used black lava stone beads. Although not as attractive as jewelry made from precious stones, a volcanic stone bracelet makes up for their earthy appearance with their spiritual mystique.

    So, you may still ask yourself, what is lava stone? To break it up to you, lava stone or volcanic beads as we use them are precious stones that now a day are mostly used either as volcanic rock jewelry or as talismans, and are quite popular as accessories.

    There’s a special bond between the black lava rock beads and our beloved planet. Knowing the fact that it comes directly from Earth’s core, the lava beads meaning is of grounding and connecting with nature. Native Americans would wear a piece a lava mineral before war for where it is believed lava rock energy would bring them courage and strength. Thus why, it’s more common to see mens lava stone bracelets.


    Lava Rock Properties

    It’s believed that emotional and spiritual lava healing properties con be obtained by each person that wears a real lava stone bead bracelet, because of their strong association with the Earth. Due to this earthly connection, volcanic rock beads are seen as symbols of fertility, endurance and strength. From a spiritual perspective, a lava gemstone is great for grounding the root chakra and starting your day off with a slight pump into some mindfulness meditation. For better absorption of their lava stone healing properties, it is recommended to wear volcanic lava beads close within the skin.

    Moreover, they are considered as healing stones to bringing peace into the mind and spirit. It’s believed that wearing an authentic black lava stone bracelet will allow the wearer to access energy freely, allowing a clear flow and use of lava stone healing to nurture themselves physically as well as spiritually. Furthermore, some cultures also believe that lava stone energy offer stability and courage during troublesome times, since they strengthen the wearer’s relationship with that of the planet.


    Lava Stone Benefits

    Traditionally, lava bead jewelry is said to have lava rock healing properties and they keep people warm in cold climates. These volcanic stones have made their journey, straight from the earth’s core, they are associated with spirituality and universality. However, they offer more than just an aesthetic lava bead bracelet beauty; this stabilizing effects of a real black lava stone bracelet extends into the emotional and spiritual spheres by eliminating strong negative emotions, providing clarity and offering hope during difficult and emotional times.

    Most people use these lava stone bracelet benefits for their anxiety and mood swings, lava rock beads really help each person ground themselves and control their excessive thinking.



    "Stone of The Mind"

    Tiger Eye is a smooth and gentle vibration that is great for centering, grounding and balancing. It is known to protect one from the ‘Evil Eye’, along with warding off evil spirits. Tiger Eye is a great stone to use when balancing and opening the lower three Chakras, which can stimulate a Kundalini Awakening. Keep this stone in your Aura for as long as you can each day to benefit greatly from its energy.

    Chakra(s): RootSacralSolar Plexus


    Energy: 4 & 8

    • Protection
    • Love
    • Luck
    • Healing
    • Grounding
    • Centering



    • Protects From The Evil Eye
    • Wards off Evil Spirits
    • Negative Emotions
    • Negative Thoughts



    • Creativity
    • Balance
    • Vitality
    • Physical Energy
    • Personal Power
    • Spiritual Grounding
    • Spiritual Advancement
    • Root/Sacral/Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Kundalini Energy


    Metaphysical Properties:

    • Brings clear thinking and insight
    • Helps manifest ideas into reality
    • Gives courage for change
    • Boost self-confidence
    • Guards against ill wishes from others
    • Balances lower Chakras
    • Helps to raise vibrations
    • Offers strength and vitality
    • Encourages proper function of the endocrine system
    • Provides balance to those experiencing mental disorders (Manic-Depression, Bipolar, etc)
    • Draws spiritual energy down to Earth
    • Helps to center the person
    • Brings brightness and optimism to any situation
    • Stone for the mind, not for the body
    • Place on Third Eye to enhance psychic ability and bring spiritual grounding
    • Powerful Solar Plexus stone


    Healing Properties:

    • Aids Mental Disorders
    • Helps Any Eye Proble


    The Tiger’s Eye Effects:

    The Tiger’s Eye is an ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared. An “all-seeing, an all-knowing eye”, thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything; even through closed doors.

    It brings stability and awareness while integrating the spiritual with the physical realms. It teaches balance between extremes, moving one out of the world of duality – right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light – and provides an understanding of the underlying unity behind apparent opposites.

    It brings a more practical and compassionate reasoning to one’s choices, and helps one to reflect (the) Spirit through each action taken in the world.

    Moreover, the Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the “cause and effect” of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole.

    The Tiger’s Eye is a stone that amplifies and boosts the energies of any quartz, crystal or stone.

    It brings harmony and balance, and can give you courage, strength of mind and self-confidence to tackle anything that will come your way.

    It will help you accomplishing your goals because your focus and creativity will be greatly enhanced. You will be filled with confidence and optimism, and all feelings of lack or being incomplete will be dispelled. 

    It is traditionally used as an amulet to protect yourself from curses or any other kind of ill wishes.

    Furthermore, The Tiger’s Eye is a golden stone. It’s an excellent stone to have with you if you are looking to increase your wealth, to boost your money flow or to create more opportunities for growth and expansion. It can bring in abundance and prosperity to your life.

    It will bring good luck to you when you work hard and envision your success.

    It can amplify the energies that you give to your pursuits, which is why it will also attract the same amount of good luck back to you.

    Finally, the Tiger’s Eye will strengthen your willpower and your intentions towards success.


    The Power of Colors:



    Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride.

    Black absorbs and hides and creates confusion and chaos, new beginnings, knowledge of hidden things, is the container of light, one of the most powerful color. Use black for the self-control, time and patience. Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion within the enemy. It can also be used for protection, wrap negative energy, breaking barriers and blocks, reverse and destroy negative thought forms. It 's better if applied to others. Black controls the base chakra, the planet Saturn, the earth element and the original religions, it means new beginning. Satanic alchemy, black represents the step into the void of meditation and transformation.



    Masculine divinity, great fortune, abundance, prosperity, male energy, understanding, divination, fast luck, solar/sun energy, positive attitude, justice, health, attraction, luxury.

    Great luck, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits (I think that gold will attract more money - to use the green with golden reflections for meditation on money). Gold is used for healing, happiness, authority, reputation, honor, and personal power. Use the gold to the trust, fame, success in the game, please, make sure popularity / charisma, improve health and vitality, healing, protection, success, and magical power. Gold is one of the most powerful color. Satan has a golden aura. Gold is the color of the Sun and the element fire. Satanic alchemy, gold represents perfection of the soul. Both the colors gold and white gold are seen everywhere in the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, temples and pyramids. Gold is the color of wealth and power.




    The power of Numbers:



    Zero means nothing, and so it often symbolizes the potential we have to form something new out of what does not exist. In some cases, zero is seen as representative of the beginning, much like The Fool appears at the beginning of the Tarot, about to begin his new journey.



    Connected to the universal life force that binds us all. One is considered a source, and because any number multiplied by one equals itself, it’s a grounding number. In Tarot, one is represented by The Magician, who takes control of his own environment, and gains personal power by manipulating that which is around him.


    Related to polarity and duality. Think of balance – the yin and yang, light and dark, god and goddess. Two represents one of each thing, side by side. The second chakra connects to relationships – and not just with other people, but how we relate to our jobs, our stuff, our money, and so forth.


    In some traditions, five is equivalent to the four elements plus the addition of spirit as a fifth element. It’s also symbolic of the five human senses, the points of the pentagram, and in Christianity, the wounds of Christ. Five is sometimes considered a bit chaotic, as found in some interpretations of the Tarot, in which the five indicates struggle.


    Related to sun energy. In many magical traditions, six is considered a solar number, and one of power and strong masculine energy. Because of this, it’s often connected to security and responsibility.


    Related to lunar energy, connected to the moon, femininity, and workings related to intuition and wisdom. Thought forms and consciousness are represented by the number seven.


    In some traditions, related to the eight NeoWiccan sabbat dates. Remember, not all traditions observe all eight sabbats. Eight is also connected to the planet Mercury, which relates to messages and communication from the Divine. An eight flipped on its side is an infinity symbol. 



    Three Initial Key Points on Protection:

    Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates.

    Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye.

    Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose. 




    If you want to learn more about the Mythology of Hades, click on the link below and it will open the relevant page of Ancient Greece Reloaded:

    Click and go:

    Hades: Mythology

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    Please Note:

    Due to the fact that shipping costs are estimates (hence, they cannot be calculated with a 100% accuracy) every-time our customers pay more than the actual shipping costs, it is our policy to contact our customers, so as to return the difference back to them.   

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