
Buddhist 108 Pure High-Quality 8mm Agate, Amethyst and Hematite Prayer Beads Necklace, Yoga Wrap Bracelet, Meditation Mala, Reiki Charged

Buddha’s Purple Touch
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • Model:
    Buddha's Path 001
  • Manufacturer: DeMar DeMar
  • Buddhist 108 Pure High-Quality 8mm Agate, Amethyst and Hematite Prayer Beads Necklace (and Yoga Wrap Bracelet) Meditation Mala, Reiki Charged – Elite Line: Buddha’s Purple Touch   


    (The Necklace - Yoga Wrap Bracelet - is handmade and exclusively designed and created by DeMar. High quality and pure Agate, Amethyst and Hematite prayer beads have been combined to create Buddha’s Purple Touch!)


    Buddha’s Purple Touch has been created by combining the vast colour-spectrum of high quality and pure 108 Agate Amethyst and Hematite gemstone beads.  

    The length of the entire Necklace (which can also be used as a triple wrist bracelet or as a Yoga Wrap Bracelet) spans ca 116 cm long!!!

    Moreover, the beads’ placing order that has been used on the Necklace (switching between Agate, Amethyst and Hematite) has been done in such a way so as to increase the focus of meditation; in both the mind and on the energy-vibrational level.  

    Mala prayer beads help us to count and focus during mantra meditations. If you practice meditation and yoga, a mala can be a very powerful tool in your quest for wellness and clearer understanding. Add to it pure, high-quality triple gemstones and you realize the power that you will hold in your hands.  


    Agate (HEART CHAKRA - 4th Chakra):

    Though different types of agates are powerfully associated to one chakra than another, they are known to bring an overall sense of balance to all chakras. Agate stones have a smooth energy that washes over the aura, and mutes tensions across the field to promote harmony throughout all chakras.


    Amethyst (CHAKRA: 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra):

    The Stone of Spiritual Growth!

    Amethyst magnifies positive vibes while cleansing the body of negative energy, including toxic emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, and more. Amethyst boosts the spirit and encourages spiritual growth by protecting the aura from damaging metaphysical debris. When you wear an amethyst bracelet or have a stone in your home, it encourages you to engage in positive introspection, which helps you access your true feelings and increase intuition.


    Hematite (CHAKRA: All, Especially the Root Chakra):

    Hematite balances the meridians within the whole body, as it is great for physical healing, along with providing one with a mental and spiritual well-being. It stimulates the mind while protecting, grounding and balancing.

    Wearing a hematite bracelet or hematite anklet helps you to remain balanced, calm and centered. Although not typically known for this healing property, hematite stone jewelry can also be a great tool for manifestation. On an everyday level, carrying hematite stones or wearing a piece of jewelry helps to bring your dreams and aspirations into reality. By grounding you, and thus transforming your mindset into a more balanced and clear one, you are able to see what steps you need to take to make your dreams a reality. A hematite bracelet can also help you see the silver lining in any situation, making you see things in a more positive light.


    HEART CHAKRA - 4th Chakra - represents our ability to love. It is the connection between our physical and our spiritual body and is driven by love. It influences forgiveness, compassion, empathy, trust, equilibrium and ease with our life.

    THIRD EYE CHAKRA – 6th Chakra - The 6th chakra is the Third Eye Chakra Ajna which translates to “beyond wisdom.” This chakra opens up your mind to information beyond the material world and the 5 senses. Extra sensory perception, intuition or psychic energy, all comes from the third eye.

    CROWN CHAKRA – 7th Chakra - The 7th chakra is the Crown or Sahaswara, which translates to “thousand petaled.” This chakra is pure consciousness energy. Our own personal consciousness is located in the 7th chakra, but it’s really more like the seed of a universal energy than something personal or individual. Once you achieve it, you’re not really human anymore – you’ve conquered suffering and death.


    Jewellery that supports you on your spiritual journey. Every jewellery that is created by DeMar, is made with love, energetically cleansed and Reiki charged before it comes to you.


    This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2018


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    “The Stone of Spiritual Growth”


    Amethyst is the perfect stone for any spiritual seekers, as it is the stone of spiritual awakening and spiritual growth. It purifies and protects by placing a shield around the physical body and the energy field. It is said that it enhances mental acuity and focus.

    The most common use of Amethyst is for the purpose of increasing one’s intuition and psychic abilities, along with enhancing one’s connection with their Higher Self, their Spirit-Guides and the Angelic Realms. It offers psychic, mental, negative and self protection and balances the nervous system and both hemispheres of the brain.

    Amethyst is the perfect stone for anyone whom is just now venturing off down the path of their spiritual journey. However, it is recommended for anyone, as it metaphysical and healing properties are beneficial to all.









    • Power
    • Healing
    • Protection
    • Spiritual


    • Protects against drunkenness, hailstorms, thunderstorms and lightning
    • Protects against Black Witchcraft and Psychic Attack
    • Protects one while traveling
    • Protects soldiers from harm
    • Wards off attempts by others to steal one’s power.



    • Intuition
    • All Psychic Abilities
    • Purification
    • Spiritual/Divine Connection
    • Spiritual & Psychic Centers
    • Spiritual Awareness
    • Crown Chakra
    • Third Eye Chakra
    • Spiritual Growth



    • Clears and repairs holes in the Aura
    • Aligns the energy bodies
    • Opens and activates the Crown Chakra
    • Encourages inner strength
    • One of the more powerful stones for psychic protection
    • Strengthens the Aura against negative energies
    • Facilitates a connection to the divine
    • Allows for a greater connection the spiritual realms
    • Protects Astro travellers from negative entities
    • All around spiritually protective stone
    • Used to recover from physical addictions
    • Transmutes lower vibrations into higher frequencies
    • Connects the physical plane with the higher realm
    • Promotes a higher state of consciousness
    • Opens the cosmic flow of energies.
    • Bonds the physical being with their spiritual spirit, or soul.
    • Strips negative energy from key chakras (energy vortexes) within the body.
    • Strengthens purpose, hope, freedom and leads to peace and balance.
    • Directs towards resolve, stability and independence.



    [Physical Healing:]
    Adrenal Glands
    Attention Span
    Brain Cancer
    Brain Lesion
    Eye Nerves
    Insect Sting
    Large Intestine Disorder
    Liver Inflammations
    Nerve Pain
    Respiratory System
    Spine & Spinal Cord Strengthening


    [Psychological Healing:]
    Achieving Goals
    Being Overburdened
    Fear of The Future
    Mental Balance
    Protection from Evil
    Spiritual Growth

    Why Would You Use Amethyst?

    Amethyst is one of relatively few gemstones with the specific purpose of improving intellectual and cerebral thought.

    There are many stones that are purported to enhance psychic powers, and many more that improve emotional intelligence, but the numbers of stones that have specific positive effects on the intellect are much rarer.

    Perhaps this is because, for much of western culture, intellectual thought has been something that was highly praised as a skill that had to be learned in schools, and used as a status symbol among those who were wealthy enough to pursue higher education!

    While higher education is excellent (and amethyst won’t grant you intelligence all on its own) it can certainly help you to apply your intellectual powers to any situation you might face.

    It can help you think both soberly and critically about the situations you face, which will lead you to far greater success in handling them.

    It is worth remembering that Amethyst gained its name from the Ancient Greek word meaning “not intoxicated”.

    It was said to prevent against drunkenness, and that its bright colour came from the god of wine, Dionysus, pouring out his wine over a clear crystal in mourning.

    Because of this, amethyst has long been said to promote sobriety – both in the literal sense of preventing drunkenness, and in the metaphorical sense of developing an ability to think more clearly and not be clouded with emotion of any specific sort.

    That emotion might be blind optimism or blind pessimism, but either way, it is blind – and amethyst can help you open your eyes.

    This is a wonderful crystal to use if you frequently find yourself in situations where you are unsure how to take action because of your emotions.

    It is important to remember that emotions are a valid and necessary part of the human life experience, and they should not be discounted.

    At the same time, however, emotions can be dangerous, because everyone’s emotional response to the same situation will be difficult, and it can be very difficult to communicate emotions between people.

    Amethyst crystals will help you build the skill to critically analyze emotions, appreciate their weight and worth, and then choose whether to act on them, or whether to acknowledge their validity and then set them aside to act on intellectual decisions instead.


    How Will Amethyst Help You?

    Amethysts are the great problem-solvers of the crystal world.

    Because of their ability to help you cut through difficult situations and understand what you are really seeing in front of you, they make it possible to get through difficult choices and decision making processes as painlessly as possible.

    Because of this, amethyst is an invaluable crystal when you have to solve a difficult problem with others, especially one where emotions are running high – or one where, as is so often the case, lots of people are talking, but no one is listening, and no one really knows what’s going on.

    This happens more often than you’d expect, even in high positions in businesses, or between married couples!

    Amethyst will help you listen to other people’s concerns, and then formulate and clearly articulate solutions in a highly practical, helpful way.

    It will help you address every concern that is brought to the table in a way that is most effective for the interests of everyone involved.


    Amethyst crystals are also known for their rulership of the crown chakra.

    While there are dozens of stones associated with every chakra and amethysts are one of the best known for the crown.

    This is interesting, because the crown chakra is the chakra of spirituality, which many people (both religious and unreligious) see as diametrically opposed to the logical, even scientific thought that amethyst promotes.

    However, in reality, a critically engaged way of thinking is one of the best ways to reach higher philosophical understanding of the world.

    If you feel out of place in your spiritual community, perhaps due to feeling like you don’t really understand other people’s interpretations or spiritual experiences, then amethyst will help you come to an understanding of those that can lead you to a higher understanding of both yourself and the universe.


    Amethyst, Healing and Health

    Amethyst is an excellent crystal to enhance physical vitality, especially after chemotherapy, radiation, or pharmaceutical treatments.

    It’s an energizing healer on a physical level because it can strengthen the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, and the heart.

    It can aid in the treatment of disorders that affect the lungs, pancreas, and spleen. It can also stimulate fertility and help in the treatment of conditions related to the reproductive system.

    Amethyst can work in strengthening the immune system. It can also help you achieve a speedy recovery from a severe illness.

    It can be effective when it comes to cell regeneration. Amethyst is a natural stress reliever and can also detoxify the body.

    Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past painful experiences.


    Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment.


    It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one’s life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation.


    Amethyst and Wealth

    Amethyst is an excellent crystal to have when you’re serious about building your personal wealth, growing your business, or sharing your abundance with the people you love.

    It will foster creative output, brilliant ideas, and dedicated work. It’s the ideal crystal to put on your work table or office desk so that your productivity will be high.

    Amethyst will invite harmony in your professional relationships and prosperity in your financial life.


    Amethyst for Love and Relationships

    Amethyst can help manifest your true self rather than be influenced by others to conform to other people’s expectations.

    You will realize that only when you’re honest with yourself will you experience genuine happiness and satisfaction.

    This crystal’s energies will help you understand your own needs, wants, and desires in your relationship.

    You will know what truly makes you happy and just how you want to be loved or taken care of.

    Amethyst will stimulate your heart and open yourself up to more love. It will break down your walls, and it will release all your fears and worries about love.

    It can eliminate destructive actions and ideas and replace them with only affirmative, empowering, and uplifting ones.

    You will be more confident in sharing how you feel, and you will be looking forward to the future more.

    Amethyst can help you remove the lethargy in your relationship. With hard work and commitment, you will be able to restore what was lost and rekindle the passion that has been missing.

    It will get rid of grief, despair, anger, or defeat. It will soothe emotional wounds and alleviate the pain that comes with emotional trauma.

    Amethyst can help you confront your emotional issues and overcome them. It can bring your hidden or suppressed feelings to the surface so that something positive will take place.

    You will have a more honest communication, and you will be surrounded with compassionate energies.

    There will be more passion and engagement in your relationship. You will be feeling adored, admired, and appreciated.

    Amethyst energies can give you comfort when you need it. You will never feel alone because you will find a way to be happy and contented even if you are by your lonesome.

    You will know what to do when the hurt becomes unbearable, and you will know how you can stand up and move forward.

    Amethyst will help you demonstrate strength of heart and mind. You will not be deterred by a few bumps in the road and by the mountains that you need to climb.

    You will let your spirits be lifted up, and you will allow yourself to be happy. You will not dwell on the sadness and the hurt, but you will focus on the things that you want to manifest in your relationship.

    Amethyst will support your growth as a person and as a partner in life. It will reassure you that there’s no fear in endings or beginnings because they are all just a part of living and loving!

    Amethyst is also known to promote better relationships on an intellectual, cerebral level.

    If you feel that your relationship is physically fulfilling but perhaps you aren’t connecting with your partner in every way that you would like to, you can use amethyst to develop a stronger mental relationship.

    This will very quickly translate to an improved emotional relationship, since sharing thoughts and sharing emotions are intimately tied together.

    Also Note: Ancient Greeks also claimed that wearing amethyst near the navel prevented drunkenness or intoxication (and a bracelet allows you “in a way” to be close to your navel).

    “The Blood Stone”


    Hematite balances the meridians within the whole body, as it is great for physical healing, along with providing one with a mental and spiritual well-being. It stimulates the mind while protecting, grounding and balancing.


    Chakra(s): All, Especially The Root Chakra

    Zodiac: Aries/Aquarius

    Birthstone: December/March

    Planet: Mars/Mercury

    Energy Vibration: 9


    • Love
    • Protection
    • Healing
    • Grounding
    • Balance



    • Unwanted Entities
    • Negative Energy
    • Electromagnetic Smog



    • Ascension
    • Intuition
    • Detoxification
    • The Mind
    • Absorption of Iron
    • Concentration
    • Focus
    • Courage
    • Confidence
    • Stability
    • Optimism
    • Survivability
    • Chakra Alignment



    • Balances the aura and aligns all of the chakras
    • Are known to benefit Highly Sensitive People
    • Dissolves negativity and prevents the absorbing of negativity from others
    • Excellent stone to counter the ill effects of radiation on the energy body
    • Helps Improve Relationships
    • Assist in grounding high level spiritual energy
    • Absorbs negative energies
    • Protects and seals the Auric field from unwanted entities
    • Calms one in times of stress
    • Keeps one grounded
    • Transforms negative energy into positive vibrations
    • Helps one find their own unique gifts
    • Ability to make one invincible
    • Facilitates the integration of higher beings into our 3D Reality
    • Carry Hematite when in need of balance and equilibrium
    • Strengthens self-confidence and self-control
    • Focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit
    • Open and activates the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras



    • Liver
    • Blood
    • Back Problems
    • Improves Oxygen Supply
    • Detoxification
    • Stabilizes The Equilibrium (The Ethereal Nervous System and The Physical Nervous System)
    • Helps Overcome Overindulgence (Compulsions and Addictions)
    • Strengthens and Regulates The Blood Supply
    • Anemia
    • Kidneys
    • Regenerates Tissue
    • Leg Cramps
    • Anxiety
    • Insomnia
    • Aids Spinal Alignment and Fractures

    Hematite is a shiny, dark-coloured stone found all over the world. It is made mainly of iron, which gives it its metallic sheen. It also gives it an interesting quirk of naming – although the hematite that we see in our daily lives is dark grey, its name comes from a Latin phrase meaning “blood stone.” Why? Because, when it is found naturally, the iron content is covered in rust.

    In Ancient Rome, hematite was a popular stone for decorative purposes. Jewellery, weapons, and even armour decorated with hematite were traded widely. The dark colour was thought to be especially intimidating or protective.

    Hematite stones are opaque, not the strongest of stones (it has a 5-6 on the Mohs hardness scale), and they have a strong metallic lustre. When found in nature, it will be rough and red, but once polished, it takes on a beautiful, mirror-like sheen, which makes it extremely popular in semi-precious jewellery.

    Just like Amethyst, this stone’s energy is earthy, and it is one of the best stones that you can use to harness the power of the element of earth to lend you strength and dispel negativity. If you are interested in learning how to use hematite’s power, simply read on!


    Why Would You Use Hematite Crystals-Stones?

    Hematite’s powerfully earthy energy means that it can be used for almost any project that involves the power of the element of earth. Earth is the element that rules the physical world, money, practical thinking, and decision making.

    As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes the powers of earth extremely popular and beneficial!

    Thinking in a solid, logical way that will also improve your material and financial life is a pretty positive way to go through life.

    Specifically, hematite is a good stone for organizing one’s thoughts and developing logical thinking skills.

    This is a useful stone for improving your skills in subjects such as mathematics, argumentation and debate, or problem-solving.

    If you’re put off by the idea of a stone benefiting “logical” thinking, and worried that it might negatively impact your creativity, fear not! In fact, logical thinking is a prerequisite for creative thinking.

    The most creative thinkers, from painters like Picasso to scientists like Einstein, or even young children, are actually the most ruthless appliers of logic. They apply logic so rigorously that they come very quickly to conclusions or ideas that other people would dismiss as “crazy.”

    In other words, if you feel that your creative thinking is stagnant and you want some more, then applying hematite to improve your logical thinking skills is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself!

    It also has strong emotional benefits, because, as many dark-coloured stones do, hematite dispels negativity and “purifies” the emotional realm.

    It balances its user’s self-esteem and self-vision by sweeping away all the negativity that so often clouds our understanding of ourselves.

    By using hematite, you make way for more positive energy to enter into your life.

    Hematite’s main property could be described as “grounding.”

    If you tend to have a “flighty” mind, prone to distraction, lack of focus, or anxiety, or even if you feel that you have a strong imagination, but that it’s impacting you negatively, this could be the perfect stone for you.

    It won’t “kill” your imagination – quite the opposite, as described above! – but it will give you an increased ability to focus your mind in a productive way, rather than becoming psychically distracted.


    How Will Hematite Help You?

    Hematite can benefit you in multiple different fields of your life.

    It is best known for its positive effects in business and career fields, but it can also be helpful in your romantic relationships, your family life, your spiritual development, and your general perspective towards yourself.



    Hematite and Wealth

    First, let’s tackle hematite’s role in your career. Because of its connection to the element of earth, this is one of the best stones you can use for its financial benefits. Remember, earth is the element that rules money – why do you think American money is green?

    If you’re seeking a promotion, a raise, or maybe a whole different job that will benefit you from a financial perspective, hematite is a great stone to incorporate into your life. Its power will not only make people see you in a more positive way, but also give you the skills of strong logical thinking and practicality that are so rare and valuable in most career fields.


    Hematite, Love and Relationships 

    When it comes to interpersonal relationships – whether romantic, familial, or just friendly or social – this is the perfect stone for keeping you far away from “drama.” While some people seem to attract fusses like magnets, hematite will repel all that unnecessary, negative, attention-seeking behaviour.

    From a spiritual and emotional perspective, hematite is a good stone for fostering gratitude for what you have. Appreciating what you have in the here and now is one of the single healthiest things that you can do for your mind and spirit.


    Hematite and Healing

    I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention hematite’s history as a physically healing stone. Hematite has been used for centuries in medicine for a very good reason – it contains iron! Iron deficiency is the cause of many health problems, so it’s only natural that an iron-containing stone would be touted for its healing properties.

    Hematite has been said to have positive effects on the heart and the circulatory system. It can also ease symptoms that are exacerbated by stress or anxiety, due to its grounding properties.

    Remember, however: crystology is never an acceptable substitute for professional medical attention! Never use any stone as a replacement for seeing a qualified doctor or medical professional.

    Furthermore, it should be noted that, due to hematite’s iron content, any sort of healing process that requires you to consume any quantity of the stone should be regarded with extreme caution and skepticism. Iron is an important micronutrient, and if you’re an Ancient Roman, then taking a hematite elixir might be a great way to get it, but it can quickly become toxic if you’re literally eating the metal. Get your iron nutrients from spinach or red meat instead, and save hematite for spiritual nutrition.


    How to Use Hematite Crystals for the Best Results

    Because hematite is both very aesthetically pleasing and relatively inexpensive and common, hematite jewellery is quite easy to procure. As such, a nice range of hematite jewellery is a gery easy thing to collect.

    When you are preparing for a difficult confrontation (especially one that has to do with money), put on your hematite like armour! This strong, protective stone will keep you emotionally and spiritually safe, and it should be thought of as having that purpose. When you put it on, think of yourself like a knight in a movie putting on his armour before going into battle.

    This also applies if, for whatever reason, the “energy” of your house itself feels wrong. Many people who believe that their houses are haunted by traumatic memories would benefit from placing some hematite in the house to “suck out” the residual negative energies.

    If you are suffering from nightmares (or have a partner or child who is), place hematite under your (or their) bed or pillow in order to keep the negative energies that cause nightmares at bay.

    Agate: Meanings, Properties and Powers

    Agate Properties

    Agate stones are banded in stripes or layers and part of the Chalcedony family. It’s the most popular and most varied Chalcedony.

    Some varieties of Agate have specks of color or eye markings, while some also have fossilized or solid inclusions.

    It displays a wide range of colors, including black, yellow, pink, red, gray, white, and brown.

    Some Agates have created their own identities and are easily recognizable from the lot because of their unique colors and patterns, like the Botswana Agate, Fire Agate, Dendritic Agate, Moss Agate, and Blue Lace Agate.

    Agate forms in all mineral environments, but it’s most commonly found in igneous rocks.

    Agate’s name is derived from the place where it was first found, which is in the Achates River in Sicily. It’s such a popular and in demand stone, but thankfully, it can be found all over the world!

    Why Would You Use Agate?

    Turritella Agate has a strengthening and stabilizing energy that will help you in your daily tasks. It will help you balance your energies and direct them appropriately.

    The energies of Agate will calm, elevate, and uplift you. Even if you’re having a very busy and crazy day, you will still be able to relax and find peace and solitude.

    Agate will also make sure that positive energies flow through you non-stop. It will keep you energized and empowered. It will keep you feeling positive and uplifted.

    Negative energies will be dispelled, and you will be protected from any kind of negative attack on your body, heart, mind, and spirit.

    Agate will work as a source of support and encouragement, especially when it comes to work and career.

    The energies of Agate will keep you inspired, motivated, creative, and productive.

    It’s a stone that will also fill your life with joy, gladness, and optimism. Whenever you feel low and uninspired, Agate will infuse you with happy and fun energies to make you feel better.

    This stone will stimulate your mind and emphasize all your wonderful traits. It will encourage you to make use of your talents and gifts to change your life for the better.

    Agate will show you that the possibilities are endless, and you can go follow the path that best resonates with you!

    It will encourage you to do some self-examination just to know where you are in your life and how you feel about it as a whole.

    This stone will curb your desire to accomplish many things all at once, even the things that you don’t need to do. It will help you better manage your time so that you will not feel overwhelmed.

    Montana Agate is a good grounding stone that will help you center, stabilize, and direct your energies.

    How Will Agate Help You?

    Agate, Healing and Health

    Agate is a helpful stone during pregnancy because it can help new moms avoid having the baby blues right after giving birth. The energies of this stone can also increase lactation.

    When used as an elixir, Agate can stimulate the digestive system and relieve digestive pains, such as gastritis.

    It can be beneficial to the intestines and the stomach.

    It’s known to be good for the eyes and healing to the skin. It can help in the treatment of skin-related illnesses and irritations.

    Wearing Agate close to your heart can improve the functions of the heart and the lungs. It’s helpful to the blood vessels, and it can strengthen your cardiac muscles as well.

    Agate and Wealth

    Agate is a stone that can bring abundance and fullness in all aspects of your life, particularly your financial life. When you work with the energies of this stone, you will feel enriched and empowered to achieve all your financial goals.

    This stone will strengthen your sense of reality and encourage pragmatic thinking. This will be very beneficial when it comes to decision making, especially if you’re working on a budget.

    The energies of this stone will also prompt you to think on your feet and take the necessary action with wisdom and authority. It will guide you in making the best decisions without putting your finances in a precarious situation.

    Agate will attract a lot of positive energies that will keep you excited and enthusiastic about your financial ventures!

    Agate, Love and Relationships

    Agate has a soothing and positive effect on your emotions. When you work with Agate’s energies, the pain will not hurt as much, and the anger will not burn as hot.

    It will help you maintain a positive attitude even if you are going through something difficult in your relationship. It will support your beliefs that all the challenges that you are going through are temporary.

    It will give you the reassurance that what does not kill you will only make you stronger. Whatever challenges you are experiencing will only strengthen your relationship.

    Agate will promote stability in your relationship and remove the emotional disharmony.

    It will allow you to talk about the things that are making you unhappy. It will give you the opportunity to right your wrongs and give your relationship another shot.

    You will also become more secure about yourself and deal with the unexpected with confidence.

    Agate will help you overcome negativity and let go of the bitterness in your heart. It will help you focus on all the blessings that you have and just be grateful for them!

    This stone will show you how you can let go of your anger, expand the love in your heart, and gather the courage to make a new beginning. It will inspire you to fill your life with only good and wonderful things.

    Agate will show you how to maintain your composure and keep a level head even when you’re experiencing problems in your romantic life.

    There’s no avoiding these struggles, but always remember that you decide how you’re going to handle these struggles.

    Agate symbolizes emotional endurance. This stone will encourage you to weather the storm together and believe in the promise that you made to one another.

    Every relationship experiences problems and challenges. With the help of this stone, you will be able to surpass all your trials and become better people for it!

    Agate will promote maturity in your decisions. It will remind you that being in a relationship with someone means being responsible for their happiness as well

    Crazy Lace Agate will promote fidelity in your marriage and trust in your relationship. It will strengthen your bonds, and it will increase the love that you feel for each other.

    This stone will also remove feelings of envy or jealousy. Instead, it will give you fearlessness and emotional strength.

    It’s a stone of strength. You can always rely on the vibrations of this stone to give you that much-needed push and that last bit of effort.

    Agate will remind you of your own strength, and it will encourage you to speak your own truth.

    It will show you how you can forgive yourself for your shortcomings, and how you can learn to accept that there’s no perfect lover or relationship.

    Agate will direct your focus on the things that truly matter. It will remove the distractions from your life so that you can better focus on what you want.

    The energies of Agate will soothe and calm you. It will clear your mind and unload what’s in your heart.

    Agate will also help you accept the fact that you will not get your way every single time.

    It will not always work out the way you planned but being happy and glad despite the circumstances is what will make the difference!

    How to Use Agate for the Best Results?

    Agate is cut into cabochons, small sculptures, beads, and other practical items such as bookends and paper weights. It’s also a popular stone to make into jewelry because of their beauty and metaphysical properties.

    Having it close to your body will activate all your chakras and unlock a whole bunch of healing benefits!

    It’s a very protective stone that can ward off any kind of harm or negative energy. Keep it inside your purse or slip it in your pocket whenever and wherever; or, even better, wear the Shiva Transcendence bracelet created by the Shiva-Team.


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